class: left, bottom, title-slide .title[ # Machine learning ] .subtitle[ ## The big picture ] .author[ ### Joshua Loftus ] --- class: center, middle, inverse <style type="text/css"> .remark-slide-content { font-size: 1.2rem; padding: 1em 4em 1em 4em; } </style> # What is "Machine Learning"? ## Or rather, *why* is it? --- class: inverse ## Machine learning applications Can you think of an example? (Write it down) -- - Electronic health records to predict which patients will require more care -- - Genome sequence data for tissue samples to detect different kinds of cancer -- - Text scraped from social media to predict events of social unrest, or track spread of misinformation -- - Tech platform user data to target relevant content, or detect policy/regulation violations -- - Learning adaptive control of robot prosthesis etc... --- class: inverse # Machine learning, proper These *application* examples help motivate the value of ML (Actually, much of the value comes from work specific to the application, like the creation/gathering/processing of the data, and the real world *actions* taken based on the output of ML) -- We'll use "ML" to refer to the *theory and general methods* (Skills like gathering and cleaning data are very useful--and we'll practice them a little--but they're not the main focus of this course) --- class: inverse ## What is "artificial intelligence"? (Don't tell anyone I said this, but) It's a collection of computational tools that people use to create mathematically structured data out of non-mathematically structured data e.g. a (possibly randomized) function from `\(\{ \text{some image file type} \} \to \mathbb R^d\)` for some `\(d\)`. .pull-left[ e.g. [word embedding]( for text data. ([Image credit]( *We'll usually assume our data is already mathematically structured* ] .pull-right[ <img src="" width="99%" /> ] --- # Abstraction and notation Along came some data which someone formats as a collection of `\(p\)` distinct variables $$ X = (X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_p) \in \mathbb R^p $$ We assume **each observation is a point in a vector space** (which we also implicitly assumed is finite-dimensional, and that's OK by any practical standard) -- ### Question: is there a `\(Y\)` variable? Think about your application example (the one you wrote down) --- # Categories of ML tasks **Supervised learning** (most of the term) Often we focus on one variables, name it `\(Y\)`, and give it the special status of being an "outcome"/"response" **Unsupervised learning** (a bit of this) If there is no obvious choice of an outcome variable, we may just wish to "find structure" in the `\(X\)` variables. Clustering, dimension reduction **Other** tasks (probably not these) Ranking, anomaly detection, network data, embeddings, correspondence, recsys, multi-armed bandit, etc... --- # Supervised ML sub-categories If `\(Y\)` is numeric: **regression** - Concentration levels of a protein (disease status/severity) - Selling price of a house If `\(Y\)` is categorical: **classification** - Should this item be flagged for (human) review? yes/no - Identify type of cancer: lymphoma, sarcoma, neuroblastoma, etc Special cases - `\(Y\)` is binary with rare cases, e.g. anomaly detection - `\(Y\)` is a time to event, survival analysis - Multi-class, hierarchical classes, etc --- # Focus on regression .pull-left[ - Simpler math (orthogonal projection, Euclidean geometry) - Intuition pump for other cases - Often underlies other cases ] .pull-right[  ] - e.g. binary classification by thresholding a numeric **score**, or ranking (ordinal outcome) / set selection (select items with `\(\text{top-}k\)` scores) --- # How to predict `\(Y\)` from `\(X\)`? - Would be sweet if `\(\exists f\)` such that the graph of the function `\(y = f(x)\)` fit the data perfectly - **Problem**: what if `\((x_1, y_1) = (1, 0)\)` and `\((x_2, y_2) = (1, 1)\)`? - **Problem**: even our most tested and verified physical laws won't fit data *[perfectly](* -- #### Solution: applied mathematics For any function `\(f\)` we can always write `\(\varepsilon \equiv y - f(x)\)`. Look for an `\(f\)` which makes these "errors" "small" for the observed data --- ### Uncertainty opens the door for probability - Assume a probability distribution (adequately) models the data/errors Define a good function as one that minimizes $$ \mathbb E[\varepsilon^2] = \mathbb E\\{[Y - f(X)]^2\\} $$ -- - Assume the data/error is sampled independently Motivates the **plug-in principle**: compute an estimate `\(\hat f\)` of the good function `\(f\)` by solving the corresponding problem on the dataset, i.e. $$ \text{minimize} \sum_{i=1}^n \left[y_i - \hat f(x_i)\right]^2 $$ --- class: inverse # Very useful assumptions! ## The *why* of machine learning ### "it works" - Squared error `\(\rightarrow\)` simpler math (we'll come back to this and consider other loss functions) - i.i.d. sampling `\(\rightarrow\)` simpler estimation, justifies generalisation (we'll come back to this too) --- class: inverse, center Minimizing expected squared-error also gives us... # One of the most powerful ideas in all of statistics -- `$$\mathbb E\{[Y - \hat f(X)]^2\} = \text{Var}(\hat f) + \text{Bias}(\hat f)^2 + \text{const.}$$` ## the bias-variance trade-off Are the errors systematic (bias) or not (variance)? --- # With model complexity: Typically, more complex models have lower bias and higher variance And typically, there is a "right amount" of complexity - Too low? Little variance, but overwhelming bias - Too high? Little bias, but overwhelming variance - Just Right: [insert happy statistician meme] --- class: inverse, bottom, center background-image: url("../../../files/theme/LSE/LSE_stats_graduation.jpg") background-size: contain statisticians celebrate finding the right model complexity --- # gapminder example .pull-left[ <img src="01-2-foundations_files/figure-html/gapminder-lm-1.png" width="504" /> ] .pull-right[ <img src="01-2-foundations_files/figure-html/gapminder-loess-1.png" width="504" /> ] --- # candy ranking example .pull-left[ <img src="01-2-foundations_files/figure-html/candy_lm-1.png" width="504" /> ] .pull-right[ <img src="01-2-foundations_files/figure-html/candy_lm_multiple-1.png" width="504" /> ] --- ## Evaluation: mean squared error `gapminder` models ```r c(mean(residuals(gm_simple)^2), mean(residuals(gm_complex)^2)) ``` ``` ## [1] 54.47218 41.08507 ``` `candy_rankings` models ```r c(mean(residuals(candy_simple)^2), mean(residuals(candy_complex)^2)) ``` ``` ## [1] 188.4498 127.1098 ``` ### A victory for machine learning! ... or is it? What did you learn in the first seminar?