class: top, left, title-slide .title[ # Machine learning ] .subtitle[ ## Optimization ] .author[ ### Joshua Loftus ] --- <style type="text/css"> .remark-slide-content { font-size: 1.2rem; padding: 1em 4em 1em 4em; } </style> ### ML tasks as optimization problems For a given **loss function** `\(L(x,y,g)\)` and **probability model** `\((X,Y) \sim P\)`, we want to find a function `\(g\)` to minimize **risk**: $$ \text{minimize } R(g) = \mathbb E_P[L(X,Y,g)] $$ -- #### Math model `\(\leftrightarrow\)` Statistical model Assume an i.i.d. sample from `\(P\)`, focus on *empirical risk minimization* (**ERM**) $$ \text{minimize } \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n L(x_i, y_i, g) $$ -- We also choose a **function class** (or parameter set), i.e. *type of function* `\(g\)`, determining the *domain of the optimization* --- ### Example: linear regression - **Probability model**: random errors `\(\epsilon \sim N(0, \sigma^2)\)` - **Loss function**: squared loss `\(L(\mathbf x, y, g) = ( y - g(\mathbf x))^2\)`. - **Function class**: set of all functions of the form `$$g_\beta(\mathbf x) = \mathbf x^T \beta$$` for some `\((p+1)\)`-dimensional vector of parameters, i.e. the function space is `\(\{ g_\beta : \beta \in \mathbb R^{p+1} \}\)` (domain of optimization) - **Algorithm**: OLS, closed-form solution (memorized yet?) `$$\underset{\beta \in \mathbb R^{p+1}}{\text{minimize }} \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n (y_i - \mathbf x_i^T \beta)^2$$` --- ### More examples: GLM - **Probability model**: `family = binomial(), poisson(), etc` - **Loss function**: Likelihood, assume indep. `\(\to\)` log-lik `\(\ell(\cdot)\)` - **Function class**: `\(\{ g^{-1}(\mathbf x^T \beta) : \beta \in \mathbb R^{p+1} \}\)`, with a fixed link function `\(g\)` - **Algorithm**: ERM (also MLE in this case) via iterative methods like Newton-Raphson or gradient descent $$ \underset{\beta \in \mathbb R^{p+1}}{\text{minimize }} \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n \ell (y_i, g^{-1}(\mathbf x_i^T \beta)) $$ --- ### Example: SVM (*This was not assigned for reading, it's included just as an example of a different loss function*) - Probability model: not required, geometry instead - Empirical loss function: **hinge** loss, `\([\ ]_+\)` means positive part `$$\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n [1 - y_i(\mathbf x_i^T \beta - \beta_0)]_+$$` Next slide: ISLR Figure 9.2 plot of `\(L(y_i \hat y_i) = [1-y_i\hat y_i]_+\)` --- ### Example: SVM <img src="islr9.12.png" width="80%" /> --- ### ML design choices Pattern repeats as we learn ML methods: #### (Probability) models, loss functions, prediction function classes, optimization algorithms We'll focus more now on optimisation questions: - Multivariate linear case - **Variable selection**: which predictors to include? - Non-linear case - **Smoothness**: e.g. choosing the `span` value in `loess` - Iterative algorithms - Scaling, **early stopping** --- class: inverse, center, middle ## Optimization strategies ### Choosing predictor variables --- ### Best subset selection - Try all `\(2^p\)` subsets of predictor variables - Keep the best one (based on RSS or deviance or something) -- - Problem: complexity exponential in `\(p\)`, over `\(10^9\)` models if `\(p = 30\)` --- ### Local vs global, algorithms and optima - Imagine a "**landscape**" of loss function values as a vertical dimension above the space of predictive functions - Searching for the lowest point in this landscape - If more than one "valley" then multiple candidate low points -- - Global algorithm: checks all of these (e.g. best subsets) - Local algorithm: check nearby from starting point (may not converge to global optimum, may converge to a local one near the starting point) - **Greedy algorithm**: check nearby and move in direction of best/fastest improvement (e.g. gradient descent) --- ### Forward stepwise/stagewise selection **Greedy** alternative to best subset 1. Start with no predictors 2. At each step, find the one predictor (or a few, in stagewise) giving the best improvement (reduction in the loss function) over the current model 3. Add the best predictor(s) and iterate -- - Greedy, hence local: not guaranteed to find the best model - Computation: only `\(p\)` models at step 1, `\(p-1\)` models at step 2, etc. -- - **Problem**: when to stop adding more variables? After how many steps? (We'll come back to this) --- ### Modeling assumption: sparsity We might be willing to assume that a "true" (good enough) model contains only a few predictors We call this **sparsity**, and may even refer to the number of variables as "the sparsity" of the model, or look for "the best 5-sparse model" -- [Motivation]( Occam's razor / law of parsimony -- simpler models/theories are philosophically/scientifically preferable -- #### Sparse best subsets Now only `\(\sum_{k=1}^s \binom{p}{k}\)` models to try, if sparsity assumed `\(\leq s\)` e.g. 174436 if `\(p = 30\)` and `\(s = 5\)` --- ### Coming soon: lasso Another method to choose predictor variables Based on sparsity assumption Can think of it as a *less greedy* version of forward stepwise --- class: inverse, center, middle ## Optimization strategies ### Choosing tuning parameters  e.g. number of predictors, flexibility for non-linear methods --- ### Modeling assumption: smoothness Version of simplicity/parsimony for flexible function classes -- Linear functions are the smoothest Smooth function classes: set of functions with some type of bound on second derivatives, for example -- **Cool math fact**: can be related to sparsity by considering (rate of decay of) coefficients of function's Fourier transform (smoother functions have sparser representations when written in a basis of sine functions, for example) --- ## Discretize and fit sequentially - Start with a grid of values for the tuning parameter - Fit the model for each value in this grid - Pick the best fit (visually, or based on loss function value, or...) -- e.g. For the number of predictor variables, plot adjusted R-squared (or some other measure) as a function of sparsity e.g. For the `span` or fraction `\(s\)` in local regression, try `\(s \in \{ 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9 \}\)` and visualize the result -- - **Problem**: When to stop increasing the complexity? (i.e. decreasing the smoothness). We'll come back to this --- class: inverse, center, middle ## Optimization strategies ### "Scaling up" to "big data" --- ### Computational complexity - **Second order methods**, like Newton-Raphson, use second derivatives, i.e. *inverting the `\(p \times p\)` Hessian matrix* - **First order methods**, like gradient descent, only require computing the `\(p \times 1\)` gradient vector Many parameters `\(\to\)` prefer first order methods Understand this [notebook]( on gradient descent --- ### Coordinate descent Update only one *coordinate* of `\(\beta\)` in each step Cycle through coordinates until some convergence criteria is satisfied -- Can combine with any strategy for univariate optimization -- e.g. one-dimensional Newton's method -- treating other parameters as constants --- class: inverse, center, middle ## Optimization strategies ### Scale up *more*! Bigger data!  --- ### Stochastic/random descent - Instead of cycling through all coordinates in coordinate descent, just pick one randomly - Instead of computing the gradient of the loss function on the entire dataset, compute it on a random sample -- By identical distribution assumption, for any `\(i'\)`, by linearity 🌠of `\(\nabla\)` and `\(\mathbb E\)` and `\(\sum\)`, `$$\mathbb E [ \nabla L(\mathbf x_{i'}, \mathbf y_{i'}, g_\beta) ] = \mathbb E \left[ \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n \nabla L(\mathbf x_i, \mathbf y_i, g_\beta) \right]$$` -- Compute update using one randomly sampled observation or a randomly sampled subset ("mini-batch SGD") --- class: inverse, center, middle ## Optimization strategies ### A few special topics in conclusion --- ### Constrained optimization Remember, some of our optimization problems have constraints on the parameters, e.g. SVM **Problem**: What if the steps in these descent methods take us outside the parameter constraint region? -- **Solution strategy**: Choose step sizes small enough to stay inside the constraint region **Solution strategy**: *Project* from the updated point that is outside the constraint region to the *nearest* point inside the constraint region --- ### Non-smooth optimization **Problem**: What if the loss function is not (everywhere) differentiable? And suppose it is *still [convex](*, e.g. hinge loss, absolute value, etc -- **Solution strategies**: In this case there is not a well-defined gradient but there is still something called a *[subgradient](* which acts like a set of values that are all potential gradients--they all define tangent lines (surfaces) that *stay below the function* Now if we're at a non-differentiable point we just need to compute any subgradient value and take a step in that direction --- ### Early stopping #### Optimization time = complexity - For many optimization algorithms the fitted model becomes more complex the longer the optimization algorithm runs -- - e.g. the more steps of (stochastic) gradient descent used in combination with a flexible function class - e.g. the more steps of forward stepwise (adding more predictor variables) -- **Idea**: control model complexity by stopping the algorithm before convergence This is [early stopping]( -- we'll come back to it later --- class: inverse ## Optimization theory - If the loss function is convex many of these methods have *guaranteed convergence* to the *global minimizer* -- - If the loss function is non-convex, we lose mathematical guarantees - Possible convergence to local minimizer - Local minimizers may be much worse than the best possible model... - Or they might not be! -- Deep learning: to hell with convexity 🤠"it just works" --- class: inverse, center, middle ### Conclusion: optimization in ML is a big topic #### Strategies for specific problems e.g. stepwise inclusion of variables, constraints, etc #### Strategies for general loss/function classes e.g. gradient methods, coordinate methods #### Stopping at the right amount of complexity *Maybe the most important part! Next lecture*