Lasso simulations

Functions to simulate data

The functions below do the following.

  1. Simulate a sparse high-dimensional linear model \[ \mathbf y = \mathbf X \beta + \varepsilon, \text{ for } \varepsilon \sim N(0, \sigma^2 I) \]
  2. Fit ridge regression on a grid of \(\lambda\) values
  3. Iterate over multiple realizations of \(\varepsilon\)
  4. Plot the MSE of estimated coefficients as a function of \(\lambda\), with one line for each iterate

\[ \text{MSE}(\hat \beta_\text{ridge}(\lambda)) \]

In a real dataset we would only see one of these lines, but the simulation gives us a sense of how the performance could vary depending on the randomness of the noise in the linear model. (Optional: change the functions so you can also specify the noise level and see how larger noise variance affect the results)

instance <- function(X, L, n, p, beta, mu) {
  # Add noise to signal
  Y <- mu + rnorm(n)
  y <- Y - mean(Y)
  # Fit model with glmnet
  ridge_fit <- glmnet(X, y, standardize = TRUE, intercept = FALSE, alpha = 0, lambda = L)
  # Extract estimate coefficients
  beta_mat <- coef(ridge_fit)[-1, ]
  # Compute MSE using true beta
  MSEs <- apply(beta_mat, 2, function(beta_hat) sum((beta_hat - beta)^2))
  out <- as.numeric(MSEs)
  names(out) <- L
high_dim_MSE_MC <- function(n, p, instances = 10) {
  ## Generating signal
  # A random sparse coefficient vector
  beta <- rnorm(p) * rpois(p, 1) * rbinom(p, 1, .5)
  # Fixed design matrix and mean
  X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n)
  mu <- X %*% beta
  # Lambda grid
  L <- exp(seq(
    from = log(max(n, p, sum(beta^2))),
    to = log(1e-3), length.out = n))
  ## Generate many noise instances
  # tidyverse version of replicate()
  output <- tibble(inst = 1:instances) %>% 
    mutate(MSEs = map(inst, ~instance(X, L, n, p, beta, mu)))
  ## Transform output to long data.frame
  out_df <- output %>% 
    unnest_longer("MSEs") %>%
    mutate(MSEs_id = as.numeric(MSEs_id))
  names(out_df) <- c("instance", "MSE", "lambda")
  ## Plot results
  out_df %>%
  ggplot(aes(lambda, MSE)) +
      list(sparsity == .(sum(beta != 0)),
           abs(abs(beta))^2 == .(round(sum(beta^2), 2)))
    )) +
    geom_line(aes(group = factor(instance)),
            alpha = .2,
            show.legend = FALSE) + 

Delete the set.seed() line and run the function a few times to see the results.

set.seed(123456789) # delete this line
high_dim_MSE_MC(n = 100, p = 100, instances = 50)

Performance of the lasso

Copy/paste and modify the previous functions and use them to experiment with the lasso

  • Choose some metric to plot, like MSE of \(\hat \beta_\text{lasso}(\lambda)\), out of sample prediction accuracy, or true/false positive rates of selected variables.

  • Experiment with the parameters, \(n\), \(p\), sparsity, or making the design matrix \(X\) have correlated columns, to see how the performance changes