class: bottom, left, title-slide .title[ # Machine learning ] .subtitle[ ## Tree methods and model averaging ] .author[ ### Joshua Loftus ] --- class: inverse <style type="text/css"> .remark-slide-content { font-size: 1.2rem; padding: 1em 4em 1em 4em; } </style> ## Regression and classification trees ### More interpretable than linear models? - Sequence of simple questions about individual predictors - Growing and pruning ### Strategies for improving "weak" models - Bagging - Random forests (similar to "dropout" -- future topic) - Boosting --- ## Decision trees ### Are you eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine? - If `Age >= 50` then `yes`, otherwise continue - If `HighRisk == TRUE` then `yes`, otherwise continue - If `Job == CareWorker` then `yes`, otherwise `no` This is (arguably) more interpretable than a linear model with multiple predictors (Note: this is not the real vaccination criteria, but it was close to this in early 2021) --- [Penguin data]( from Palmer Station Antarctica  --- ### Measuring our large adult penguins ```r library(palmerpenguins) pg <- penguins %>% drop_na() ``` <img src="09-1-trees_files/figure-html/penguinplot-1.png" width="720" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ### Regression tree to predict penguin massiveness ```r library(tree) fit_tree <- * tree(body_mass_g ~ flipper_length_mm + bill_length_mm, control = tree.control(nrow(pg), mindev = 0.007), data = pg) plot(fit_tree, type = "uniform") text(fit_tree, pretty = 0, cex = 1.7) ``` <img src="09-1-trees_files/figure-html/penguintree-1.png" width="720" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- #### Partial dependence plots with `plotmo` ```r library(plotmo) vars <- c("bill_length_mm", "flipper_length_mm") plotmo(fit_tree, trace = -1, degree1 = NULL, degree2 = vars) ``` <img src="09-1-trees_files/figure-html/plotmotree-1.png" width="720" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ### Recursive rectangular splitting on predictors "Stratification of the feature space" ``` Input: subset of data For each predictor variable x_j in subset Split left: observations with x_j < cutoff Split right: observations with x_j >= cutoff Predict constants in each split Compute model improvement Scan cutoff value to find best split for x_j Output: predictor and split with best improvement ``` -- Starting from full dataset, compute first split as above **Recurse**: take the two subsets of data from each side of the split and plug them both back into the same function Until some **stopping rule** prevents more splitting --- ### Regression tree predictions <img src="09-1-trees_files/figure-html/penguinctreeplot-1.png" width="720" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ### Tree diagram again for comparison <img src="09-1-trees_files/figure-html/penguintreediagramagain-1.png" width="1008" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ### Categorical predictors ```r fit_tree <- tree(body_mass_g ~ ., data = pg) plot(fit_tree, type = "uniform") text(fit_tree, pretty = 0, cex = 1.7) ``` <img src="09-1-trees_files/figure-html/penguinctree-1.png" width="648" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> Split using `levels`, e.g. the species Adelie, Chinstrap, Gentoo --- ### Stopping rules ```r fit_tree <- tree(body_mass_g ~ ., * control = tree.control(nrow(pg), mindev = 0.001), data = pg) ``` <img src="09-1-trees_files/figure-html/penguinbigtree-1.png" width="1008" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> Interpretable?... (see `?tree.control` for options) --- ## Complexity and overfitting Could keep recursively splitting on predictor space until we have bins containing only 1 unique set of predictor values each This would be like 1-nearest neighbors **Lab exercise**: create a plot of training error versus tree size ```r fit_tree <- tree(body_mass_g ~ ., * control = tree.control(nrow(pg), mindev = 0.000001), data = pg) summary(fit_tree)$size # number of "leaf" endpoints ``` ``` ## [1] 53 ``` --- ## Growing and pruning #### Problem: greedy splitting Each split uses the best possible predictor, similar to forward stepwise. Early stopping may prevent the model from finding useful but weaker predictors later on **Solution**: don't use early stopping. Grow a large tree #### Problem: overfitting Larger trees are more complex, more difficult to interpret, and could be overfit to training data **Solution**: (cost complexity / weakest link) pruning --- ### How to prune a tree After growing a large tree, find the "best" sub-tree #### Problem: too many sub-trees The number of sub-trees grows combinatorially in the number of splits (depends on depth as well, interesting counting problem) **Solution**: consider only a one-dimensional path of sub-tree models, the ones that minimize `$$RSS(\text{Sub-tree}) + \alpha |\text{SubTree}|$$` for `\(\alpha \geq 0\)`. Now we can choose `\(\alpha\)`, and therefore a specific sub-tree, using validation --- ## Classification trees If the outcome is categorical we need to modify the splitting algorithm - When making a split, classify all observations in each leaf with the same class (modal category rather than mean numeric prediction) - Can't measure improvement in fit by reduction in RSS, instead, use reduction of some measure related to classification error Software generally uses **Gini index** by default. In a leaf: $$\sum_{k=1}^K \hat p_k(1-\hat p_k) $$ --- ## Trees, forests, and other models - Model using a single tree is very simple. High interpretability, but likely low prediction accuracy - For proper *machine learning* we'll combine many trees into one model (next topic) - When should we use these tree methods? - High complexity, so usually want `\(n > p\)` - If "true" relationships are linear/smooth, tree methods may fit poorly compared to linear/smooth methods - Trees more easily handle categorical predictors and missing values (can treat missingness as a category) --- ### Tree-based fit vs smooth fit <img src="09-1-trees_files/figure-html/smoothvstree-1.png" width="1008" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ### Data pre-processing, missing values ```r pg <- penguins %>% # not interested in classifying by time/island select(-island, -year, -sex) %>% drop_na() ``` Inference/interpretation with missing data requires special [methods]( like [multiple]( [imputation]( --- ### Classification tree <img src="09-1-trees_files/figure-html/penguintreeagain-1.png" width="1008" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> Why splits with the same classifications in both sides? --- ### Multi-class AUC .pull-left[ ```r tree_hat <- data.frame( yhat = predict(fit_tree), species = pg$species ) roc_auc(tree_hat, truth = species, starts_with("yhat")) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 1 × 3 ## .metric .estimator .estimate ## <chr> <chr> <dbl> ## 1 roc_auc hand_till 0.981 ``` Average the AUC of each one-vs-all binary classification `roc_auc` from `yardstick` or `tidymodels` packages ] .pull-right[ ```r roc_curve(tree_hat, truth = species, starts_with("yhat")) %>% ggplot(aes(1-specificity, sensitivity, color = .level, linetype = .level)) + geom_line() ``` <img src="09-1-trees_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-8-1.png" width="504" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- class: inverse ### Three model improvement strategies Sacrifice simplicity/interpretability for prediction accuracy Can be used with other models too, not just trees #### **Bagging**: bootstrap aggregating - Resample training data, average resulting models #### **Random forest**: randomly drop predictors - Randomly drop predictors when resampling #### **Boosting**: iterative descent using residuals - Fit each new model to residual of previous fits --- ## Bagging: bootstrap aggregating **Problem**: a single tree model can have high variance (like many non-smooth or non-regularized models) 1. **Bootstrap**: for each `\(b = 1, \ldots, B\)` resamples (with replacement) of the training data, fit `\(\hat f^{*b}\)` on bootstrap sample `\(b\)` 2. **Aggregate**: combine the `\(B\)` models, using majority vote for classification or mean for regression `$$\hat f_\text{bag} = \frac{1}{B} \sum_{b=1}^B \hat f^{*b}$$` ("Smoothing" useful for low-bias, high-variance models) --- ### Aggregating is... smoothing? .pull-left[ <img src="09-1-trees_files/figure-html/penguintreeL-1.png" width="1008" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /><img src="09-1-trees_files/figure-html/penguintreeL-2.png" width="1008" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> Predictions for one penguin ``` species flipper_length_mm Adelie 190 ``` ``` bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm 42 20.2 ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="09-1-trees_files/figure-html/penguintreeR-1.png" width="1008" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /><img src="09-1-trees_files/figure-html/penguintreeR-2.png" width="1008" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ``` ## Adelie Chinstrap Gentoo ## 1 0.8809524 0.11904762 0.00000000 ## 2 0.8292683 0.17073171 0.00000000 ## 3 0.9767442 0.02325581 0.00000000 ## 4 0.8536585 0.04878049 0.09756098 ``` ] --- ## Out-of-bag predictions - Each bootstrap sample contains some subset of the training data - Roughly `\(1/e \approx 0.37\)` portion of the training samples will be left out of each bootstrap sample - Can use these to estimate test error (e.g. instead of `\(K\)`-fold cross-validation) Software implementations may do this automatically --- ## Random forest: dropping predictors **Problem**: aggregation does not increase information if the aggregates are highly correlated, e.g. averaging 1000 trees but each one uses the same small set of predictor variables `$$\text{Var}\left( \sum_{b=1}^B \hat f^{*b} \right) = \sum_{b=1}^B \text{Var}\left( \hat f^{*b} \right) + \sum_{b=1}^B \sum_{b'\neq b} \text{Cov}\left( \hat f^{*b}, \hat f^{*b'} \right)$$` -- 1. **Drop** predictors randomly during resampling e.g. randomly include `\(\sqrt{p}\)` of the `\(p\)` predictors in each `\(\hat f^{*b}\)` 2. **Aggregate** models which are now less correlated, achieving greater variance reduction --- ### Aggregating less-correlated models .pull-left[ <img src="09-1-trees_files/figure-html/penguinFL-1.png" width="1008" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /><img src="09-1-trees_files/figure-html/penguinFL-2.png" width="1008" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> Predictions for one penguin ``` species flipper_length_mm Adelie 190 ``` ``` bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm 42 20.2 ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="09-1-trees_files/figure-html/penguinFR-1.png" width="1008" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /><img src="09-1-trees_files/figure-html/penguinFR-2.png" width="1008" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ``` ## Adelie Chinstrap Gentoo ## 1 0.8809524 0.11904762 0.0000000 ## 2 0.6274510 0.37254902 0.0000000 ## 3 0.8260870 0.04347826 0.1304348 ## 4 0.9000000 0.07500000 0.0250000 ``` ] --- ### Boosting: iterated fitting on residuals **Idea**: train models sequentially, decreasing residuals by a small amount each time. Each model contributes something different Can use **weak learners** -- e.g. trees with one split ("stumps") -- to grow an ensemble model gradually fitting closer to the training data -- #### Relationship with gradient descent **Gradient descent**: small step in direction of negative gradient **Boosting**: small step in direction of *weak learner closest to negative gradient* (maximum inner product in function space) Optional additional reading: [ESL]( Chapter 10 (non-examinable) --- ### Boosting in practice #### More tuning parameters Number of trees/steps `\(B\)`, complexity of each tree/model `\(d\)`, regularization/learning rate `\(\lambda\)`. **Warning**: can now overfit with large `\(B\)` (unlike bagging/r.f.) #### Choosing/optimizing tuning parameters Software may do something automatically. *No guarantee it's reasonable!* e.g. optimize over a grid of tuning parameters Two grid-tuning stages: 1. Rough grid covering a large range (possibly orders of magnitude) 2. Finer grid over a smaller range --- class: inverse # Powerful ML tools/software Let's see these methods in action on the **penguins** dataset We'll use [`tidymodels`]( to streamline the process  --- ### `tidymodels` workflows #### Training and testing data Using `initial_split` ```r library(tidymodels) pg_split <- initial_split(pg, strata = species) pg_train <- training(pg_split) pg_test <- testing(pg_split) pg_cv <- vfold_cv(pg_train, v = 10, strata = species) ``` 10-fold cross-validation (`v = 10` is also the default) on training data (This just sets up the data, it doesn't fit any models yet) --- ### `tidymodels` workflows #### Pre-processing and model specification Using `recipe` ```r pg_recipe <- training(pg_split) %>% recipe(species ~ .) %>% prep() ``` I already did the pre-processing earlier. If your processing uses more `step`s, then you have to `juice()` the `testing` data to prepare it (apply the same preprocessing to test data) (Still setting up, no models fit yet) --- class: middle, center #### Next: slides setting up 4 different models A single classification tree Bagged trees A random forest And boosted trees *There's a lot of code but I'll highlight what's important* --- ### Classification tree Specify fitting algorithm ```r pg_tree <- decision_tree(tree_depth = 6, * cost_complexity = tune("C")) %>% set_engine("rpart") %>% set_mode("classification") ``` -- ```r pg_workflow_tree <- workflow() %>% add_recipe(pg_recipe) %>% add_model(pg_tree) ``` ```r pg_fit_tree <- tune_grid( pg_workflow_tree, * grid = data.frame(C = 2^(-5:0)), pg_cv, metrics = metric_set(roc_auc) ) ``` --- ### Tuning parameters with CV-error ```r pg_fit_tree %>% autoplot() ``` <img src="09-1-trees_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-17-1.png" width="576" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ### Fit and test best tree model ```r pg_tree_best <- pg_fit_tree %>% select_best() # best tuning parameters ``` .pull-left[ ```r pg_tree_final <- finalize_model( pg_tree, pg_tree_best) pg_tree_final ``` ``` ## Decision Tree Model Specification (classification) ## ## Main Arguments: ## cost_complexity = 0.03125 ## tree_depth = 6 ## ## Computational engine: rpart ``` ] .pull-right[ ```r pg_tree_test <- pg_workflow_tree %>% update_model(pg_tree_final) %>% last_fit(split = pg_split) %>% collect_metrics() # test error pg_tree_test ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 2 × 4 ## .metric .estimator .estimate .config ## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> ## 1 accuracy multiclass 0.965 Preprocessor1_Model1 ## 2 roc_auc hand_till 0.981 Preprocessor1_Model1 ``` ] --- ### Bagging (bootstrap aggregating) trees ```r library(baguette) pg_bag <- bag_tree(tree_depth = 7, cost_complexity = tune("C")) %>% set_mode("classification") %>% set_engine("rpart", times = 5) ``` Specify data/`recipe` for fitting ```r pg_workflow_bag <- workflow() %>% add_recipe(pg_recipe) %>% add_model(pg_bag) ``` -- ```r pg_fit_bag <- tune_grid( pg_workflow_bag, grid = data.frame(C = 2^(-5:0)), pg_cv, metrics = metric_set(roc_auc) ) ``` --- ### Fit and test best bagging model ```r pg_bag_best <- pg_fit_bag %>% select_best() # best tuning parameters ``` .pull-left[ ```r pg_bag_final <- finalize_model( pg_bag, pg_bag_best) pg_bag_final ``` ``` ## Bagged Decision Tree Model Specification (classification) ## ## Main Arguments: ## cost_complexity = 0.0625 ## tree_depth = 7 ## min_n = 2 ## ## Engine-Specific Arguments: ## times = 5 ## ## Computational engine: rpart ``` ] .pull-right[ ```r pg_bag_test <- pg_workflow_bag %>% update_model(pg_bag_final) %>% last_fit(split = pg_split) %>% collect_metrics() # test error pg_bag_test ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 2 × 4 ## .metric .estimator .estimate .config ## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> ## 1 accuracy multiclass 0.965 Preprocessor1_Model1 ## 2 roc_auc hand_till 0.992 Preprocessor1_Model1 ``` ] --- ### Random forests ```r pg_rf <- rand_forest(trees = 100, mtry = tune()) %>% set_mode("classification") %>% set_engine("randomForest") ``` ```r pg_workflow_rf <- workflow() %>% add_recipe(pg_recipe) %>% add_model(pg_rf) ``` Run fitting algorithm with cross-validation on training data ```r pg_fit_rf <- tune_grid( pg_workflow_rf, pg_cv, metrics = metric_set(roc_auc) ) ``` --- ### Fit and test best random forest model ```r pg_rf_best <- pg_fit_rf %>% select_best() # best tuning parameters ``` .pull-left[ ```r pg_rf_final <- finalize_model( pg_rf, pg_rf_best) pg_rf_final ``` ``` ## Random Forest Model Specification (classification) ## ## Main Arguments: ## mtry = 2 ## trees = 100 ## ## Computational engine: randomForest ``` ] .pull-right[ ```r pg_rf_test <- pg_workflow_rf %>% update_model(pg_rf_final) %>% last_fit(split = pg_split) %>% collect_metrics() # test error pg_rf_test ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 2 × 4 ## .metric .estimator .estimate .config ## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> ## 1 accuracy multiclass 0.988 Preprocessor1_Model1 ## 2 roc_auc hand_till 0.999 Preprocessor1_Model1 ``` ] --- ### Boosting classification trees ```r pg_boost <- * boost_tree(trees = tune(), * learn_rate = tune()) %>% set_mode("classification") %>% set_engine("xgboost", objective = "multi:softprob") ``` ```r pg_workflow_boost <- workflow() %>% add_recipe(pg_recipe) %>% add_model(pg_boost) ``` Run fitting algorithm with cross-validation on training data ```r pg_fit_boost <- tune_grid( pg_workflow_boost, pg_cv, metrics = metric_set(roc_auc) ) ``` --- ### Fit and test best boosted tree model ```r pg_boost_best <- pg_fit_boost %>% select_best() # best tuning parameters ``` .pull-left[ ```r pg_boost_final <- finalize_model( pg_boost, pg_boost_best) pg_boost_final ``` ``` ## Boosted Tree Model Specification (classification) ## ## Main Arguments: ## trees = 989 ## learn_rate = 0.0138390874390264 ## ## Engine-Specific Arguments: ## objective = multi:softprob ## ## Computational engine: xgboost ``` ] .pull-right[ ```r pg_boost_test <- pg_workflow_boost %>% update_model(pg_boost_final) %>% last_fit(split = pg_split) %>% collect_metrics() # test error pg_boost_test ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 2 × 4 ## .metric .estimator .estimate .config ## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> ## 1 accuracy multiclass 0.988 Preprocessor1_Model1 ## 2 roc_auc hand_till 0.999 Preprocessor1_Model1 ``` ] --- ### Evaluate models Optimal cross-validation accuracy ```r all_models <- list(pg_tree_test, pg_bag_test, pg_rf_test, pg_boost_test) %>% map_dfr(bind_rows) ``` .pull-left[ AUC ``` ## # A tibble: 4 × 2 ## model .estimate ## <chr> <dbl> ## 1 tree 0.981 ## 2 bagging 0.992 ## 3 randf 0.999 ## 4 boost 0.999 ``` ] .pull-right[ Accuracy ``` ## # A tibble: 4 × 2 ## model .estimate ## <chr> <dbl> ## 1 tree 0.965 ## 2 bagging 0.965 ## 3 randf 0.988 ## 4 boost 0.988 ``` ] Which is best? Well, the full sample size is 342... --- class: inverse ### We're in dangerous territory - Less interpretable methods/models - Many tuning parameters - Increasingly sophisticated software with many defaults and/or automatically optimized tuning parameters -- But consider, [Alfred North Whitehead]( said (pre-WW2): > It is a profoundly erroneous truism, repeated by all copy-books and by eminent people when they are making speeches, that we should cultivate the habit of thinking of what we are doing. The precise opposite is the case. **Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking about them**.